Saturday, February 5, 2011

Makes me wonder

**Warning - this is me pouring out the thoughts in my head after a long day. It's Avon related but in no means do I hope or expect ANY of my friends/customers to change their currents habits. This is just me using my outlet to work out some things on my mind. And it's uber long so I don't blame you if you don't even read it. It's more for my own benefit. :) **

Today was my monthly Avon sales meeting. I love going to these. All in all, there isn't anything mind blowing that happens but I get to see some reps that I've become aquainted/friends with and see my district sales manager (Summer), who I think is rockin. We always get free goodies (a big part of why I go...because you know how much I love free stuff), there are raffles plus we get all the info on upcoming campaigns.

  Summer also takes time to recognize some of the top sellers from the last 2 campaigns. I was on that list when I first started because they have a seperate catagory for new reps. Now that I'm up against the "big dogs", I'm usually not on the list. I was a month or so ago and that was awesome! It made me feel so good!! There are 606+ reps in our district, so to be in the top 20 is mind-blowing. This meeting I was no where NEAR the top 20. These ladies are selling machines! It blows me away how well these women do with their business. I have this feeling that I may not be cut out for the direct sales work but I'm enjoying having my Avon business so I'm sticking with least for now.
  You see, I care too much about what other people think of me. I'm so concerned about coming across as a "sales" lady and for people to think I'm pushing them to order, or to add onto their order, that I just don't get the business that I'd like. I love talking about our products because I think they are great (and if I don't, I'll say that too). I'd love to be that Avon lady that comes to a customer's house, with my samples in tow and hang out and talk about the brochure, try out samples, etc etc. Maybe people just don't want that "personal" service anymore. Maybe I've just never asked.
   Although I know I'll never make my millions with this job, it would be nice to feel like I'm making SOMEthing. Right now, I'm really not.
   I think I rely too much on technology. Maybe I shouldn't rely on my Facebook page, and e-mails, so much. Maybe I should be knocking on doors and making more phone calls. It's just that the internet is so convienant. It's nice to get the word out about a contest, or upcoming campaign information, with just the click of a button. I can send the message to as many people as I want, all at once! I love that! But do they really read it? Do they ever watch my videos? I'm on hold with making them because...well....I don't know if anyone cared. I've done contests and had no winners. I've spent hours typing out and preparing sales only to have VERY little sold.

  It's hard when you have 2 young kids and are trying to run this type of business. After I paid my $10 to sign up (yes, it really did only cost me $10 to start my Avon business), I realized that maybe I made a mistake. Maybe I should have waited another year or two, after the kids were a little older. But once I got started I realized how much I LOVE this company and I didn't want to just quit.

   I love Avon. I really do. I love their products. I love the affordability. I love the convienance. I LOVE what they stand for. I love that I work for a company that cares so much about ME, about breast cancer research, about ending domestic violence, and about empowering women in every way they can. I LOVE it. I love to work for them and I love that when I make my own purchases I know that my money is going to a great company. Avon's been around for 125 years!!! That is aMAzing. How many other U.S. companies have been around for over a century...and are thriving?? Not many. I am so proud, SO proud of having this business. I just wish I could help other people realize how wonderful Avon is.

  I think it's just a hard time right now. I know our economy stinks. I know people are struggling a bit, or at least are watching their pennies. You know I do too! This is coming from the coupon lady, so you KNOW I'm trying to save money just like everyone else.

  Anyway, I don't know what the purpose is of writing all this out, besides just to get these thoughts out of my head. I'm not sure where to go from here. I don't want to start knocking on doors to find new customers. It's just not who I am. I just wish I knew how to build excitement for products I love and a company I'm proud of. When I figure it out, I'm sure you'll know. :)


  1. I have similar feelings about my side business as well. Good luck!

  2. I think you are doing a great job. I always feel special when you stop by with a book or an order. I think it adds a lot. I just wish I needed more stuff and I could support you more. I am very thankful to you for introducing me to Avon. You definitely have me as a long term customer. Maybe I need to wear more makeup! =) Love you
