Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Adding To The Ranch

I officially announced it a few days ago on Facebook, so here is my other official announcement.

We're having a baby!

Yep, our house is going to be just a little fuller come early August (or late July depending on how things go).

I had my first pre-natal appointment on Dec. 30 and things are so far so good.

Here's a view of the little sprout...

Just a wee little thing, measuring in at about 1.3 cm long. It's funny because I remember my other 8 week ultrasounds and the baby looked like a little gummy bear...this one just looks like a blob. Sorry baby but you look like a blob. My favorite blob in the entire world, but still a blob.

We are over the moon.

Without getting too personal, we had been (secretly) trying for most of the year without success. We had given ourselves through the end of the year and then we were going to call it quits. Amazing how things worked out when we were just about to head into our last month.

My due date is set for Aug. 8th, at this point, but because I will have to have another c-section I won't get that far. They usually try to set the date for around 39 weeks, which is why I could end up with a July baby. We'll just have to wait and see.

So along with my normal shopping updates (which I've been really bad at lately), I'll throw in some baby updates as well.

Love and babies,


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